Written by Natan Edelsburg,
Communications Club Vice President
Thanks to
Danielle Culmone, a former supervisor from
Quinn & Co. Public Relations I was invited by
Bernaise Source’s principal, Dan Greenfield to be a “Gen-Yer” for PR Camp’s “Talking About the ‘Y’ Generation,”
session. When I first read about
PR Camp and how it was going to be an “unconference” fueled by a camp-like, marshmallows and bonfire atmosphere I had a social media wet dream. My fondest memories are from my ten consecutive summers being a camper and then counselor at
Camp Young Judaea in New Hampshire. Click
here for one of my favorite social media blog posts, by
David Berkowitz (from MediaPost’s
Social Media Insider) describing how being a camp counselor prepares you for social marketing.
I had the pleasure of meeting some extremely impressive professionals throughout the day. Separating into teams (go red team!) really gave us the chance to get to know each other as we discussed, ROI, Gen-Y and new versus old agencies relating to PR and social media. During each session (especially
Howard Greenstein’s “Delivering Strategies for Effective ROI”), different ways of using metrics to show results from social media campaigns were brought up. After I got home from PR Camp I was extremely excited to study the conversations that took place during the day. I typed in the official hashtag, “
#prcamp,” and copy and pasted the ten-plus pages of tweets just from Friday, into
Wordle, the word cloud creator. After removing most of the clutter from my “copy and paste” here is what Wordle designed:
For those unfamiliar with
word/tag clouds and Wordle, you can simply copy and paste text into their form and it will show you what words/terms were most prevalent by designing a “beautiful” and customized cloud of words. This word cloud taught me some cool facts about PR Camp – some obvious, some not at all. Here are my top-5:
1. PR Camp, Social Media and Twitter were the biggest most prevalent words, which makes sense since each tweet I copy and pasted contained PR Camp. Also, it’s no surprise that the topics that were most discussed were Social Media and Twitter (plus I probably should have deleted Twitter from the word cloud but couldn’t bring myself to).
Ishkahbibel (Donald Schwartz, Imagelink Productions),
@Journalistics (a blog about journalism and PR),
@MattHurst (Communications Professional and Social Media Savant), and
@TonyBerkman (Serial Entreprenuer) appeared to have tweeted the most, simply because their names were most prevalent.
UberTwitter has a big shout-out in the cloud leading me to assume that most people (including myself) were tweeting from Uber.
4.Not surprisingly, the word “porn” is pretty noticeable. For everyone who was at PR Camp or watching the conversation we all know it is in reference to
Morgan Johnston’s
comment that when he showed
TweetDeck to an exec at JetBlue, he exclaimed that it was like “marketing porn.”
5. Smaller, but still noticeable – the word “mobile” dictates the importance of how technology is moving more to our fingertips and less to our desktops – this subject was brought up several times during the Red Team’s discussions.
While my word cloud is far from perfect, it gave me a fun and pretty way to put into context the #prcamp conversations and everything I had taken in from a very fun day at camp. I’ve been waiting for a good excuse to create my first list on Twitter. I created
one for the red team in the hope that we could all stay connected and continue to converse. I added everyone I could think of but am obviously still missing people. Here’s a
link to the list on
Listiorious.com where you can recommend anyone to the list that I left off.
Edited by Sara Saldi